Carex irish green
Buy High Quality Carex 'Evergold' Plants, Sold in Packs of 25, Free Shipping!. Carex morrowii pro m2 Carex oshimensis 'Carfit01' PP #20, A mounding fountain of ribbon-like white-striped green foliage that will add wonderful texture to any dappled sun or shade garden. Forms a neat mound of foliage that arches up from the crown and weeps gracefully. An excellent container or landscape specimen for beds and borders.
Carex oshimensis everest schneiden Carex oshimensis Everest is a superb ground cover and container plant with distinctive white striped foliage. It is easy to grow, low maintenance and forms a neat easily controlled mound. Everest is a great cold hardy accent plant for all year round arrangements.
Carex conica Carex oshimensis, commonly known as Oshima kan suge, is a fine-textured sedge that typically grows in a low, grass-like mounded clump to ” tall and as wide. It is native to dry woods and rocky slopes throughout Honshu Island, Japan. This sedge features narrow leaves (typically to 16” long by 5/16” wide).
Carex morrowii irish Carex oshimensis EverColor® Everest Optimal Growing Conditions Sun Exposure Partial Shade or Full Shade Soil Type Normal or Sandy or Clay Soil pH Neutral or Alkaline or Acid Soil Moisture Average or Dry or Moist Care Level Easy Appearance and Characteristics Flower Colour Brown Blooming Time Early Summer Late Spring Foliage Color Deep Green.
Carex ice dance Providing year-round color, Carex oshimensis 'Everest' is a very distinctive Japanese Sedge with narrow, arching, glossy, dark green leaves adorned with fine silvery-white edges. Valuable for its stunning appeal, this highly decorative evergreen Sedge is one of the most beautiful ornamental grasses for the garden, where it provides a lovely.
Carex oshimensis 'evergold 1 () or Contact Us. The EverColor ® series of sedges brings bright looks and personality to the party. With neat, flowing habits and evergreen foliage, EverColor ® selections stand out in containers and as groundcovers. Selections in the series are easy to grow and colorful year-round.
Carex morrowii 'variegata EverColor® Everest™ Variegated Sedge Grass (Carex oshimensis 'Carfit01' PP# 20,) is a charismatic and versatile sedge grass. You'll relish the delightful variegated coloration and attractive form all year. Creamy-white ribbons flank a grass-green stripe down the center of the strappy blades.